(877) 305-6202


Cost Management for

Specialty Medications

We know how hard it is for a plan sponsor to find quality care management for specialty prescriptions. Let us help you by discovering your company’s unique needs and researching the market for the best possible care.

Our promise to you



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How we do it


High-Touch Care Management

Our team has extensive experience in specialty pharmacy, home infusion, and employee benefits management. We understand the unique needs of the specialty member, as well as how important it is to manage those complex conditions effectively. The goal is to help employers reduce their drug spend while allowing their employee to maintain their treatment regimen. 

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Care coordinators

Our Care Coordinators are at the heart of our operation and work directly with members, plan sponsors, and any other vendors as required to complete program enrollment.


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World-class support

As a result, we’re able to effectively enroll members into programs at a very high rate.

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All data is stored on our proprietary system, Velocity. Velocity uses secure servers backed by Amazon Web Services (AWS) with additional security built in. Velocity has undergone security audits and is constantly being upgraded to keep up with the latest security features.

Frequently asked questions

Schedule a consultation today

Are you ready to get the care you deserve? With PayerMatrix on-demand, we’re here when you are.

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